5 October 2016

A Note from the Universe

In both relationships and life, trust begets trust. 
Generosity begets generosity. 
Love begets love.
Be the spark, especially when it's dark. 

Same for luxe and lack, sadness and joy; anger and kindness; Hershey's and kisses. Especially when it's dark.

30 September 2016


Somewhere behind the athlete you’ve become and the hours of practice and the coaches who have pushed you is a little girl who fell in love with the game and never looked back… play for her.” – Mia Hamm

I'm glad my niece Tusya Meghan is working hard on her Dreams and everyone around supporting her in achieving this dream. Keep moving Tusya!

Support kids who are interested in extra curricular activities and in achieving their dreams. I'm sure they'll make you proud.
 The more you practice the better you'll be, the harder you train the great in you they'll see.” ― Alcurtis Turner

26 September 2016

Series on Himalayan Griffon Vulture

This majestic raptor was spotted by the  during the Annual Bird Marathon held at Kaiga this January. Himalayan Vulture (Juvenile) is one of the two largest Old World vultures and true raptors. For the first time Himalayan Griffon Vulture was spotted in this region. Later, in February 2016, it was in news that this raptor was found in Goa by one of the birders. 

Today I found these images on my archive which is worth sharing!

P.S: All are unprocessed Image is copyright protected to Prashant Bhandare. Anyone who wants to publish or use these images for any purpose, please contact the concerned for permission.

23 September 2016


Lotus, as in is divine when they bloom. The Ganesha idol decorated with Lotus for Ganesha Chathurthi along with Ganesha's favourite grass Dhruva or Durva at home.
Oh, these petals and the colours of the lotus petal made me stop by the man who was plucking the petals before closing for the day. They are so beautiful, I started clicking pictures of these petals. Pictures clicked at KR Market, Bengaluru.

Sahasrara means thousand, infinite! In this context thousand-petaled.

20 September 2016

Flowers from Ladakh

Beautiful blooms on the Himalayan range. These flowers get six months of sunshine, they bloom in vibrant colours when they are not covered with snow in the summers. The roses so alluring and huge, the wildflowers too are so gorgeous, flamboyant sunflowers! The land of passes has bewitching beauty, like the people there everything is so divine.