Showing posts with label Earth Day 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earth Day 2010. Show all posts

22 April 2010

Earth Day - 2010

Great Ways to Celebrate “Earth Day 40″
# Wear something green
# Plant a tree - Plant a new tree to celebrate Earth Day
# Turn off the lights - Turn off all electricity for one hour. Light a candle and spend quality time with family and friends
# Pick up the garbage - Spend some a couple hours picking up litter at your local river
# Walk, ride or bike Skip the car! Walk, bike, or take the bus to work
# Skip the Steak - Give up meat for one day
# Save Paper

My thoughts on earth day 2010...

Climate change has become a greatest challenge for us at this time. But as the climate changes, it also gives us a chance to build a healthy, prosperous, clean energy for now and for the future. At least if we all contribute in reduce, recycle, reuse mantra and make people aware of the green movement going around - we'll be successful in saving the planet earth.

Few things to note:
·          Say NO to plastics - Take a shopping bag when you go shopping. Make it a point that you never leave home without a shopping bag.
·          Purchase fresh food without packaging
·          Save Paper - Hit the print button only when it is really required. For example, instead of printing your travel itinerary and every other travel document, load them to your phone. Saves paper, ink and electricity that'll be used to operate the printer!
·          Save Water - Be really conscious about how much water you’re using for washing, Bathing, Shaving etc. Those extra couple of minutes in the shower could be using up clean water that’s needed in the local area. Make it a point to close the tap when you shave or brush. Specifically men keep the tap open.
·          Always take your own water bottle from home. You save money and plastic use.
·          when eating foods with small wrappers and there's no dustbin around the area, throw it when you find a dustbin.
·          Take public transportation or walk/bike/cycle
·          Minimise carbon footprint that we leave behind
·          Small actions from a collective of individuals can make a big difference in the long run.

Good luck, think green and happy earth day!